
Monday, May 2, 2011

Written Chapter 1: The Setup

It all started with a mission…
At least, that’s what they told him. In fact, it was a quest. Some may say that there is little difference, but the fact remains that a mission is clearly defined, but a quest leads to many places, has many twists and turns, and is rather loosely defined. The mission as it was stated: Nerius, you must go to the library of the Centaurs, and offer them your services. This action could very well save everything…

It all started with a mission, they were to find a specific book known only as “The Black Book” and to apprehend those found to have stolen it. Their leads were thin, but lead them to a place known as The Compendium, a place where lost souls come to rest. Those that go missing in the blink of an eye, never to be seen from again, they all end up here. The Compendium is really a set of volumes never quite able to settle on a number of volumes before rapidly changing.

Skrymir and Laithestel were enjoying their first meal in some time at a place in the middle of the Estwilds of the Compendium known as Trapper Tavern. The region was pretty heavy with bandits and the like, but nothing organized. Taverns like this weren’t terribly common, but there seemed to be enough muscle around to stave off an army. Skrymir was nearly shoving the food forcefully down his gullet; you could hardly even tell that he was part elf. His human heritage shown through with his facial hair, but his one elf characteristic was keenly hidden by the hood of his black cloak. In fact, most of his body was hidden behind a shade of black, save for the few spots of brown leather holding various pieces of equipment. Laithestel was poking at her plate suspiciously, everyone in the room would be able to tell what she was, she didn’t make any effort of hiding herself. She was a full elf, through and through. Her hair was long and flowing like a river, her skin was fair, eyes striking, and her ears pointy. She had on her normal travelling attire, mostly greens and golds, with her bow slung over her shoulder and her quiver slung to her hip.

“Ahmf vrrl ffud.”

“Don’t speak with your mouth full.” Laithestel looked at Skrymir with scalding eyes. Skrymir took a few moments to chew.

“Sorry. It’s real food. I can’t believe we found real food in the Estwilds.”

“I’m pretty surprised myself. I wonder how the owner came across enough food out here to feed this lot.”

“Probably imports it, there are enough people here that they are likely to be caravan guards or mercs for hire.”

“They could be.” Laithestel continued to remain cautious.

The air was relatively friendly, at least, until the door swung open. As a motley lot of adventurers entered the tavern the place got eerily quiet. The adventurers looked stricken and lost, and there were five of them, ranging from four feet to roughly seven and a half. They were truly living up to the motley bit. The first to enter was a Halfling, not but a few inches more than four feet tall, he had his hand resting on a blade sheathed at his side, he outfit came about a maroon and green color with bits of gold as well. His hair had been growing unchecked for some time, as he had it braided in much the same fashion as the elves might. Second was a couple of elves, one very young, the other somewhere in his three hundreds. The younger had defiance in his eyes, while the older had a bitter sweet look on his face. Almost as if he was happy to have a second chance at something, but disappointed it was with the others. They both sported a similar hairstyle in normal flowing elvish, nearly a silver blonde at that. The fourth through the door was an exceeding tall man, you couldn’t miss him. He had a gleam of insanity in his eyes and two blades on his back. He couldn’t quite stand all the way in the somewhat small tavern. The last to enter was almost missed completely by those in the room. A figure clad in dark colors, with a cloak covering her features. It was almost difficult to pick out anything special about her other than her ability to be the background. It wasn’t until a few seconds after the door closed that the bartender cleared his throat, that the room resumed its course.

Skrymir stood at this point and waved to the group, beckoning them to the only half-empty table in the room. The adventurers looked at each other, less for a consensus, more for a better idea. Seeing few other options available, and nearly ready to fall flat on their faces, they made their way to the empty seats.

“Come, come, please let me treat you to something good to eat.” Skrymir did his best to not look creepy.

“Skry, it would probably be better to not smile if it’s going to look so creepy.”

“I’m trying to be a point of comfort here, Laithestel!” Then in a hushed tone “We’ve walked into a trap.”

“No, your stomach walked into a trap, I walked in to make sure you didn’t hurt yourself.” Then aside to the adventurers “But really, you are perfectly safe here, just don’t make any sudden movements.”

The adventurers looked once more at each other, there seemed to be a sign of unanimous disapproval of their increasingly awful predicament, followed by a heavy sigh.  The commotion of the room continued as if nothing had happened, and the adventurer’s food finally arrived. Just in time too.

“So, if I may have the pleasure, I am Skrymir Azurieus, Finder of things, and seeker of trouble. This is my partner Laithestel, Traveler, and Huntswoman. Would you all honor us to know what your names are?”

They once more looked at each other, but finally gave in.

The Halfling spoke first, “I am Gilthe Took.”
Then the only human “I am Christopher Darkwald.”
Two Elves, one very young, the other of modest age “I am Akari, this is Arash.”
Then finally a Half-Elf spoke “Angerona.”

“Wonderful, thank you! I am pleased to make your acquaintance. You all look hardy and fit for adventuring, you will surely last some time in this place.” Skrymir beamed.

It was the Halfling that asked first. “What is this place? I remember being in the mountains fighting a snow leopard and then waking up near a clearing of strange puddles with these folks.”

“Yes, indeed, you have gone missing from your land, and appeared here, in this region known as the Estwilds, in a land known as the Compendium.”

“And what does that mean exactly?” Christopher’s eyes were wide with disbelief.

“That you are all stuck on a strange world, far from where you call home. Some of you may not even know where you are really from. Gilthe here is a lucky little fella.”

“Call me little again and I’ll chop out your tongue.”

“Easy there fella, you don’t have to act tough with me, I’m not trying to kill ya. However, this room filled with brigands will likely try to do just that if we stay much longer.”

“What do we do? Why didn’t you just tell us to go elsewhere?” Akari was just a tad bit out of sorts.

“Because, I know where the pools are, and it looks like you haven’t eaten since you arrived in this world.” Skrymir then pointed to each of them in turn. “Christopher hasn’t eaten in 2 days, newest to arrive. Gilthe ate the end of his rations yesterday, a well prepared Halfling. Akari and Arash arrived at the same time, Akari hasn’t eaten in four days, Arash in six, putting aside your own life is noble. Angerona, bless your heart, you haven’t eaten in more than a week, at least not much. You are withering away. Yet, you have only been here for three days. The food is good here, please eat quickly.”

Everyone did as such, slowly at first. The Halfling was finished first, only to look hungrily at Skrymir’s unfinished plate. “Go ahead, finish it off, I’m afraid I wouldn’t function at peak performance here if I continued to eat.” Gilthe’s eyes lit up. “You have my sword, Skrymir.”

Skrymir rolled his eyes, then just as he was about to lean back, a brigand bumped into his chair.

“Hey! Watch it bub!”

“Wha dyu saaay da me?”

“I said watch it, you warthog faced buffoon!”

At this point Laithestel’s eyes were showing signs of strain. She then lowered her head into her palms and sighed heavily. This just wasn’t her day.

The action started all at once, but not until the drunkard knocked Skrymir flat to the floor by hitting him over the head with his full glass of mead. The glass flew to pieces, the mead flew everywhere, but inexplicably, not a drop landed on Skrymir. Laithestel was the first to jump to action afterwards, slapping the drunkard with her bow, and then bowing down to wake Skrymir up. The rest of the tavern drew weapons, including the adventurers. Gilthe took first blood from the shins of his enemies, then chanted a line causing his blade to ignite with an eerie green fire. He then set to work by jumping up onto the bar and challenging the bartender. Christopher stood once more, only this time, he stood straight and tall at a complete seven and a half feet. The sudden difference in height had several men jumping back. He then drew his twin long swords and lunged into the fray, striking wildly, and ferociously. Akari hopped under the table, rolled under and toward Skrymir, he then focused and a bright white light became present in his hand, which he held to Skrymir’s head. Laithestel then rose, seeing that Akari was attempting to heal Skrymir, she knocked an arrow and let loose into the fray, narrowly missing Christopher, but taking an enemy out of the battle. Arash built up a fiery mass and let it loose on the nearest unobstructed mob, bursting them into flames. Then to make matter worse, he stretched out with an invisible hand, grabbed the nearest keg and smashed it into the mob as well, lighting the place completely on fire. As Gilthe dodged the bartender’s spear, doing a jig and singing a song, he then lunged forward and struck the bartender with a heavy blow, bringing him alight.

As Skrymir awoke suddenly, he heard the brawl and focused on the situation. He jumped to his feet and took stock, then making a fast decision, he reached into his bag and pulled out his last remaining warp marble and tossed it to the ground. With a loud bang, smoke filled the room and the fire raged on, a bright flash occurred followed by a swirl and the displacement of air. When the brigands regained their sight they noticed their marks were gone.

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Books of Lor by Geoff Sams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.