
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Introduction to Nerius Lor

I remember when I was a small child, maybe seven or eight years old, when I was taken to see an oracle. All of the kids were brought to see an oracle around this time, but my parents treated it like it was terribly urgent. They had this look of worry on their faces like there was something wrong with me. Something was out of place. Oracles are strange people. They say that an oracle is proficient in seeing all of the possible potential in a person. Where they could end up in life, through every decision that they will make, or could make. Oracles have a difficult job, but I can tell you, they had an incredibly easy time reading my potential. Every one that we visited determined that I would have 2 choices thrust in front of me, and I would likely choose both of them at one time or another, depending on when in my life they were presented. I was never really told what those choices were, but I can certainly guess now that I'm older.
My name is Nerius Lor, I am an assassin in the Sage's Royal Army. My duties, as described to me, are to eliminate whoever is assigned to me as a threat to all of Teresci. I am to familiarize myself with my assignment, find out their weakness and exploit that weakness to lead them to their demise. I am also incapable of using magic. In this world, there are so many different magics. Alchemy to Witchcraft, it's all here. Most people start to show signs of their ability when they are young, usually around the age of five. Imagine the thoughts my parents had when their only child was thought nonmagical by nature. The two options that became presented to me were either Knighthood, or to become an Assassin. Expecting to find glory, and bring it to my family's name, I chose Knighthood at the young age of twelve. I obviously had other options, if I didn't mind fading into obscurity, but I was looking for some way to get my name out there. Knighthood seemed like an excellent way to succeed at that, rise to the top of the ranks and lead my troops to victory. The romantic view didn't last long after I actually became a knight. Shortly after becoming a knight, war had ceased between the Northern Kingdom, and the Sage's Kingdom. Then it was nothing but training and keeping lookout. There was no rising in the ranks(until someone would die of old age) and there was little action to see. Eventually, our tenuous relations with the North crumbled, and war broke out again. However, this was different. They had spent time warding off the border and planting agents throughout the Sage's Kingdom to strike when it was feasible.
With terrorism on the rise throughout the kingdom, a new option became available. Seeing an opportunity to rise to the top and get my name out there I chose to volunteer for the new assassin program. The training was much more rigorous, but it matched my proficiencies well. I had always preferred short blades and thinner armors, and favored dodging and parrying to blocking. Still, problems did present themselves. Upon entering the program, I was given a new name, Nerius Lor. And I had to renounce my ties to family and friends. From that day forward, I was to be a killing machine. I used the money that was afforded me to purchase items that would help me cope with my inability to use magic. I spent a lot of time tracking people down who could make me incredible enchantments that would help me take out those that could wield magic. In some cases, the Sage himself contracted people to make us items of value to allow us to bypass some of the barriers that agents of the north used. Without most of the items I acquired I can certainly admit, I would be pretty hard pressed to take most of these people in a straight on battle, but for the most part I had to rely on my lack of magical ability to be the element of surprise.
The missions came one after another once I was completely instated as an Assassin. Once given an assignment, I would be planted under an assumed name somewhere in the vicinity of the target and then be given a week to carry out my work. I made very quick work of my assignments. Most of them were plainly obvious about their being planted by the North. They would say things openly that would have gotten them taken out by any nearby knight, or guard even. Needless to say, the jobs I received were taken care of quickly, efficiently, and without being noticed. I rose through the seemingly invisible ranks to larger, more difficult jobs. Eventually the people I would be assigned to would start to take months to figure out. My latest assignment looks to be a big assignment, asked for by a noble family.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Plan

Okay, so I've created this site in the hopes of posting my novels online for free chapter by chapter. I plan to start with the first novel I wrote back in November of 2009 which is titled Books of Lor: Arcana. Most of the books that I plan to post on here will be part of this series or at least partially linked to it. I have 2 more books in the works, titled Shadows and Written respectively. Shadows would be the logical sequel, where Written is more of a departure from the normal setting. Stay tuned, I hope to start posting chapters once a week starting by the end of April!

Creative Commons License
Books of Lor by Geoff Sams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.